Analysis and Therapies

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Analysis and Therapies

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Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM)

Quote from website:


Frequency Specific Microcurrent is an exciting new way of treating nerve and muscle pain and many other conditions using specific frequencies and micro amperage current….
Pain Management
FSM has changed what is possible in pain management. FSM can treat chronic myofascial pain quickly, easily, and comfortably. Nerve pain from nerve traction injuries, disc bulges, herniations, herpes and shingles can be treated successfully by FSM Practitioners.
There are protocols for kidney stone pain, disc and facet joint generated pain that give rapid and often lasting relief. The protocol for fibromyalgia associated with neck trauma offers pain relief, unprecendented changes in inflammatory cytokines and hope for the 2 million patients who suffer from this condition.” 

How does FSM work?
FSM uses very low level current in the micro-ampere range to influence the production of energy on the cellular level (dramatic increase in ATP production), and to support the body in managing inflammation and resulting pain. During a session, which can last from 20 to even 120 minutes, a series of pairs of frequencies is used to support the body and its cells in restoring optimal electric frequency patterns, which were disrupted through any kind of tissue injury. Your practitioner will be aside with you and consistently check for the tissue changes where applicable. 
The current cannot be felt because of the low level energy. FSM is safe, and adverse effects are rare. Contraindications are mainly pacemakers and pregnancy.

An outline of conditions in which FSM can be helpful:
myofascial pain including sciatica and tendon or ligament pain, headaches, back pain, joint pain, sports injuries, wound healing, neuropathic pain. 

Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

The heart rate is never a constant, if so, we are in trouble. Our heart rate always adapts to the needs which are required through the state of our inner and outer environment. The more variable or heart rate can be the healthier we are. HRV measures the state of the autonomous nervous system and how we deal with stress. 
With HRV the time between two heart beats is measured in milli-seconds. A healthy heart and organism can vary those times respectively. Children before hitting puberty have highest variability. While we age the variability drops slowly. When we become older, HRV can tell us whether we are biologically younger or older than our calendarian age tells us. 

The NILAS MV system, which I use, takes short measurements of 300 heartbeats in about 5 minutes to analyse the amount of stress which accumulated in our organism to tell us what we should do to improve our recuperativeness. The heart is very closely connected to the nervous system, the immune system, the digestive and the hormone system. 

Facts which influence HRV: 

  • high demands in job, business career over longer times
  • too much training over prolonged periods in sports 
  • psychic stress such as thoughts and emotions
  • Nutrients deficiency on cellular level
  • Lack of water
  • Bad sleep
  • Lack of exercise
  • Overweight  

HRV is used as a comprehensive bellwether and diagnostic system for general health analysis, risk analysis, therapy control, metabolic activity and training control in sports. 

NES ProVision and miHealth

NES ProVision is a human body field scanning system, which scans for distortions in the subtle human informational field. This field is beyond the electromagnetic field and has a holographic structure. 

Peter Fraser, the discoverer of this field, could identify 61 holographic substructures, for which he found codes. Those codes are imprinted on the so called Infoceuticals, which consist of mineral water and have those codes imprinted into their informational field structure, so that they can deliver the code to the human field to support restoration of the human body field. The scan detects the priority of the distortions, and the Infoceuticals can be used to repair the body field.  

If you are more interested in this field, please download this e-book “The Unturned Stone” by Peter Fraser and Harry Massey.

The miHealth device produces electric and magnetic signals for on- or off-body use. It is very effective for treatments of scar tissue, acute pain and for stress relief. 

NES ProVision and miHealth

NES ProVision is a human body field scanning system, which scans for distortions in the subtle human informational field. This field is beyond the electromagnetic field and has a holographic structure. 

Peter Fraser, the discoverer of this field, could identify 61 holographic substructures, for which he found codes. Those codes are imprinted on the so called Infoceuticals, which consist of mineral water and have those codes imprinted into their informational field structure, so that they can deliver the code to the human field to support restoration of the human body field. The scan detects the priority of the distortions, and the Infoceuticals can be used to repair the body field.  

If you are more interested in this field, please download this e-book “The Unturned Stone” by Peter Fraser and Harry Massey.

The miHealth device produces electric and magnetic signals for on- or off-body use. It is very effective for treatments of scar tissue, acute pain and for stress relief. 

Psychosomatic Energetics (PSE)

With PSE one can determine the amount of “charge” of the energy field of the body. If we feel energised and healthy, it will be at 100%. If we feel tired or exhausted, it will be only 70%, 40% or less. Very often emotional conflicts (imprints of shocks, which became unconscious habits and consume life energy) cause permanent lack of energy in the autonomous nervous system centres, which, over time, may lead to chronic disease. Geopathic stress is another important factor for developing chronic disease. 

The Reba-Test device is used for testing. It is also a very simple method for testing for the effects of all types of remedies.

I started using PSE in 2004 and love it very much!   

Trigger Shockwave Therapy (TST)

TST is a powerful treatment to resolve myofascial trigger areas from the affected muscles. 
First comes the clinical examination of the range of motion (ROM) of the spine and all joints to determine which muscles are short. In the shortened muscles, we will find the trigger areas as painful “knots”. They are also called trigger points, and they can be painful themselves or refer pain to other parts of the body when activated.
A few hundred to about 3000 radial shockwaves are used to resolve trigger areas in one therapy session on several body regions. 
Further muscle release and stretching techniques must be applied afterwards to support long lasting effects.  

Sensitiv IMAGO

All organisms have electric fields and as a consequence magnetic fields. Electromagnetic phenomena are at the foundation of organisation, structure and function of every living organism in a healthy, but also in an ill state. Inside a cell and also between all cells, there is a constant information exchange at work which is realised through electromagnetic waves.   

Dr. Harold Saxton Burr from Yale University discovered in 1939 that changes in the electromagnetic pulses of organisms are the precursors of oncoming disease states. 

Sensitiv Imago can detect these changes in the electromagnetic behaviour of all organs and compares its findings with the exact templates of the stages of diseases in its huge databank. It is not only possible to detect diseases which are already present in the body, but SI detects the changes in the electromagnetic patterns at a time before a disease fully develops, which also provides the opportunity to take action for preventing the break-out of a disease. 

A very broad spectrum of frequencies is used to detect those patterns, which are applied through a headphone as magnetic waves and acoustic sounds, through infrared and red light on the area of thyroid gland or thymus, and through measurement of skin resistance. An analysis takes about 12 – 15 minutes, to which the time of taking the accurate case history, analysis and treatment must be added, which can extend to up to two hours in sum. 

SI not only detects disease states, but also gives information about the cause of the diseases including the weakest organ systems, the weakest organs, presence and activity of pathological microbes, viruses, parasites, toxins etc. in each organ. SI also provides ideas for treatment strategies. 

As an energetic diagnostic device, being so different from CT scans, MRIs or ultrasound diagnostic techniques, the accuracy of its results is at a stunning 92-96%. 

Both Sensitiv IMAGO trea tments are based on electromagnetic waves, and are applied in combination. 

One of best features is the opportunity not only for testing the effects of all kinds of supportive substances on each organ, but also the ability to test for the right dosage and time of the day, when the remedy should be taken. 

What happens at your appointment?

When you arrive for the first time, we make sure that you will be calm when we start talking. You will be first provided with a glass of good drinking water. We will then start and talk about your goals and take a detailed case history. Based on this we will work out which analysis and treatment protocol/plan would match your needs best. It is important for you to know that it is your decision to become better and that you will change yourself. All methods and treatment procedures are only tools used to support the changes necessary to reach your desired goal. We will always use a combination of procedures, which will vary for each different client. You always will be given some homework, which may include life style changes, breathing exercises etc. At the end of each session you will be given another glass of  water before you leave.

At follow up appointments we will first talk about the changes which might have happened since our last meeting. If necessary the treatment plan will be adapted.    


Initial Consultation:   2 hours  – £150.oo​

  • includes analysis and therapies  
  • Plan for course of treatment

Follow-Up Consultations:   1-1,5 hours – £90.oo

  •     includes follow up analysis and therapies      

All payments can be made at the end of each session cash or by cheque. 


Initial Consultation:   2 hours  – £150.oo​

  • includes analysis and therapies  
  • Plan for course of treatment

Follow-Up Consultations:   1-1,5 hours – £90.oo

  •     includes follow up analysis and therapies      

All payments can be made at the end of each session cash or by cheque. 


Initial Consultation:   2 hours  – £150.oo​

  • includes analysis and therapies  
  • Plan for course of treatment

Follow-Up Consultations:   1-1,5 hours – £90.oo

  •     includes follow up analysis and therapies      

All payments can be made at the end of each session cash or by cheque. 

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