The nervous system, the connective tissue fascia system, and the circulatory system work together to support all organs and their optimal functions.

Proper hydration of the connective tissue fascia system and of all cells promotes optimal energy production (ATP) in the powerhouses of all cells (mitochondria), and highest performance of the whole body.

It is not enough to drink an appropriate amount of good water. We want to help you to make sure that it can get there where water is most needed. 




Chronic physical, mental or emotional stress leads to tissue dehydration and activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Chronic inflammation, pain and reduced organ function is the result.   

Rehydration of the tissues supports whole body regeneration through increasing the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system and balancing the enteric nervous system of the gut. 


Disease State

Chronic physical, mental or emotional stress leads to tissue dehydration and activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Chronic inflammation, pain and reduced organ function is the result.   

Disease State

Healthy State

Rehydration of the tissues supports whole body regeneration through increasing the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system and balancing the enteric nervous system of the gut. 

Healthy State


Somatic and Myofascial

Inactivation of myofascial trigger points, fascia rehydration, reducing inflammation and pain. 

Energetic CAM Methods

For emotional stress relief and restoring integrity of the human informational and electromagnetic body field.

Somatic and Myofascial

Inactivation of myofascial trigger points, fascia rehydration, reducing inflammation and pain. 

Energetic CAM Methods

For emotional stress relief and restoring integrity of the human informational and electromagnetic body field.

What supports good health? 

joy and appreciation 
optimal hydration with good water
movement, exercise, work that one loves
good sleep
good food
rhythm, breaks between activities 
private and social relationships


phone: 07460744533 


phone: 07460744533 

Your body knows how to heal.
Let´s remove as many obstacles as possible from his path.
When we are born, body and mind are most flexible and hydrated.
Daily stressful life causes dehydration, which leaves imprints and memories and makes us unflexible and rigid.
Those imprints can be created through environmental toxins, too much sitting, accidents, disappointments, infections and many things more.
Analysis and therapy can help re-gain optimal hydration and flexibility.
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Your body knows how to heal.
Let´s remove as many obstacles as possible from his path.
When we are born, body and mind are most flexible and hydrated.
Daily stressful life causes dehydration, which leaves imprints and memories and makes us unflexible and rigid.
Those imprints can be created through environmental toxins, too much sitting, accidents, disappointments, infections and many things more.
Analysis and therapy can help re-gain optimal hydration and flexibility.
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